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Writer's pictureDeBorah

Lessons from Book of Jonah.

As I read the book of Jonah, Holy Bible, I thought that I would find lessons for other people. I had one or two particular people in mind. Imagine my surprise when the Holy Spirit knocked on my heart! God had a conviction for me.

You see I have been telling God that I would do anything He wanted...except take the leadership role of a not-for-profit I volunteer at currently.

I was reading Jonah, the Holy Spirit, showed me how I was behaving like Jonah. I was running from the task, the responsibility. Having been burned by other leadership experiences where all work and responsibilities were dumped on my shoulders; I know how exhausting and demoralizing that is!

The Holy Spirit showed me that I was not just running but lying to God. I would only do what I wanted.

The Holy Spirit told me to repent and surrender. I saw the example of the plant that grew up overnight and shaded Jonah and then God destroyed it by a worm, as an example of God's provision.

Jonah 4:10 and 11 (KJV): "Then said the LORD, Thou hast had pity on the gourd, for the which thou hast not laboured, neither madest it grow; which came up in a night, and perished in a night:

And should not I spare Nineveh, that great city, wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand; and also much cattle?"

God will provide all my needs. I must surrender to God needs. Wait on Him, follow His Path and have His Love and Compassion.

He is preparing our TEAM. The people and the resources. I am not doing this in my own power. I am being Christ's hands and feet..

So I repented surrendered and accepted.

The Holy Spirit will work through the hearts of His Flock to come along side. By God's power, through God's people, and through God's resources we will rebuild this organization for His Glory and the Salvation of His people. Pray for mighty work to be done in Grand Prairie, Texas.


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