15 But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb and called me through His grace, 16 to reveal His Son in me, that I might preach Him among the Gentiles, I did not immediately confer with flesh and blood. Galatians 1:15-16 - NKJV
17 Jesus answered and said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. Matthew 15:17 - NKJV
What does "regenerated" even mean? Merriam-Webster Dictionary says: 1:
1 -formed or created again
2-spiritually reborn or converted
3-restored to a better, higher, or more worthy state
Christ tells us to be new creatures what keeps us from being REGENERATED? Flesh and Blood. CARNALITY. Or I put it this way, "Jesus, don't worry about this issue/problem/little sin; I can handle it. Jesus, You take care of other issues like that person being ugly to me!"
See the brokenness of the spider? Like us through the power and work of Our Loving and Longsuffering Heavenly Father we can still be useful and create beauty.
Christ wants us to have "Abundant Life", He will work in and through us to create this new life, new being. But we allow His Work to go only so far. We think we hide away issues from the Holy Spirit living in us. But He knows, He waits for us to yeild to Him.
Oh, we are "saved" but we aren't totally New. We aren't restored to IDEAL state. The state God knows we can attain. I fought against this "total" transformation for 20 years. Being a stubborn woman, I wanted to handle things myself. For sure, God worked in many areas of my life and I certainly was a "better" version of myself but there were my "areas, my little boxes".
One of these so called "little" areas was alcohol. I could handle it. I didn't need help from the Holy Spirit! I might drink too much every now and then but it wasn't a problem. Til it was a problem... I started obsessing about it; even when I wasn't drinking it popped into my mind, dreams, driving down the road thoughts would jumb into my brain about stopping and getting some. I wasn't "handling it".
Before God, in my quiet time and prayer time, I had to admit I wasn't able to "handle" it and itwasn't healthy for me. I gave it to God. I didn't "confer with flesh and blood;" I opened that area up to The Holy Spirit and He has restored me to a higher, better state. I actually feel my brain being REGENERATED!
Is Christ waiting for you to let go of a little area or two? I urge you to let go and really give it to God today.
Join me in giving All praise to Our Loving and Longsuffering Heavenly Father!
Let me know your thoughts and if you will let Him REGENERATE you!