The Gospel Project: Unit 23, Session 3
Jesus Teaches about Prayer. Luke 11, 18
Point 1: Pray with Dependence on God. Luke 11:1-4 KJV
This version adds more thought to the passage. The version in our quarterly leaves out much. Why then do I share it?
Because when I read "Thy Will be done , as in heaven, so in earth." It makes me pause and think:
What is going on in heaven?
What is going on here on earth?
What is my part?
How can I make Earth more like Heaven?
In either version, really read the words, chew them up and meditate on them. Think. How am I bringing God's Will here on Earth?
Have I really forgiven everyone?
This is called the "Model" prayer. It is a thumbnail, not a passage to be recited day after day, with little thought.
-Bring Praise to God our Father,
He is Holy and deserves our Praise
-HIS KINGDOM, we are part of His Kingdom, we are here to help build it
- HIS WILL should be sought, not I want and You give me. Help me bring about Your Will on Earth. Remember Jesus' prayer in the garden, Mark 14:36
-my needs are mentioned but the needs of others are also
-forgiveness of sins, as well as me forgiving all others
-deliverence from our own weaknesses James 1:12+
Today's Hymn: