The Gospel Project - Alive with Christ
I Corinthians 15
Point 3: The Result of Christ's Resurrection. I Corinthians 15: 20-22
Our quarterly discusses "first fruits" stating that God does accept offerings of the best of the harvest! ( That reminded me of Cain - and how his heart was the problem. )
The "heart". What state is your heart in? See if Psalm 139 won't encourage it!
So Adam fell. He was the "first man", his actions created our firstfruit... death=separation from God.
God knew what was to happen and had already set into motion our Salvation.
Christ, God-man" His actions "firstfruit" Salvation=eternal life. We will always be with our Lord!
The picture below gives the blank fill-ins:

Our Essential Doctrine:

Thank you for posting the lessons. I've enjoyed reading them!